Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 1: Brazilian Butt Lift, The Bum Bum

Today was Day 1 of the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) program I started.  Well, I was looking for a less intense program for the summer and so far, BBL is not less intense.  My "bum bum" got quite the workout this afternoon!  I thought after doing 20 weeks of Turbo Fire, I would not have to work as hard, but I was wrong.  I am glad that I was wrong.  Working this hard just means I have more work to do and I am working different muscle groups harder.  So all and all it was a good first day.  I feel good about what I did. 

The next big part though is eating right too.  That means no late night snacking and eating too much.  My biggest struggle has always been eating sweets especially late at night.  I am hoping this blog will help keep me accountable to not give into the temptation of sweets and over-indulging. 

Thanks for reading my ramblings :-)  Till tomorrow...


  1. Where can I find this Brazilian butt lift program? I've never heard of it, but it sounds fascinating :) Kinda like Zumba, but with lunges and stuff?

    1. It is a lot like Zumba. You can find it here:
      It is a program that helps you get a leaner backside ;-) It has been a lot of fun and it has been a great lower body workout! Let me know if you have a problem with the link!
